Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Nineteen Weeks.

It's our last week as a teenager - and we are inching closer and closer to that halfway point! This week you are now a full six inches long and you weigh an impressive 8 ounces - half a pound!! My baby book says that your kidneys are now fully functioning and producing urine and you are still busy packing on the fat as your body bulks up.

This week has been really exciting since I've now started to feel your kicks and punches and head-butts :) I still only feel a couple of your movements a day, and it's usually in the evening when I'm relaxed. The doctor said that as I move and talk throughout the day it kind of rocks you to sleep. And then when I sit or lay still for a while you wake up and start hopping around. It is so cool to feel you moving - and I'm excited for when it starts getting more consistent. Now, I'll feel you move and tell your dad - "I felt the baby!", then he'll come and put his hand on my belly and wait for another kick... and of course then we don't feel a thing! Oh well, I'm sure soon enough I'll be feeling you all the time :)

How far along? 19 weeks
Maternity clothes? I did some shopping last weekend and stocked up on maternity shirts - much more flattering and comfortable! So I guess now I've made the switch to full on maternity wear!

Stretch marks? None yet!
Sleep: Still sleeping pretty well, unfortunately I've been getting up to use the bathroom a lot lately!
Best moment this week? Definitely feeling you bounce around in there - it's one of the coolest things I've felt! And our great appointment with the doctor last week.
Miss anything? Not using the bathroom every 20 minutes...
Movement? A couple of kicks here and there at night time - great!
Food cravings? Bagels & cream cheese (mostly the cream cheese!), chocolate milk, cadbury mini eggs
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nope!
Have you started to show yet? There is really no hiding the bump anymore - I'm definitely looking pregnant these days :)
Mood? Happy! I'm really enjoying being pregnant!
What are you looking forward to this week? Heading up to my parent's house this weekend :)

All my love, Mom

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