Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Thirty-nine Weeks.

We're down to the wire now! We are just one week away from your due date... which means we are in the single-digit days left until we meet you (hopefully)! As we get closer to the forty week mark, you are packing on more baby fat than ever which is making your skin look less pinkish-red and more white. That also means you now weigh about seven pounds and you are probably somewhere around 20 inches long. You're about the size of a watermelon now, which means you are running out of room in my belly - you are still moving a lot, but they are definitely smaller movements. You don't 'kick' as much anymore - it's more like stretches and flexes, and of course, the hiccups!

Last week was my last one at work so I'm now officially on maternity leave!! I'm glad to be done working and choosing an end date made it a lot easier to transfer my job duties - no leaving work in limbo every afternoon! So now that I've been home for a few days, I'm just trying to keep myself busy and not get too impatient. I've done quite a bit of cleaning and walking with Leo and  spending time with some of my girlfriends. It has still been very hot for the last few days, so I haven't been able to get outside much - but hopefully it cools off soon!

In the meantime, we are all ready for you to arrive - everyone is anxious to meet you! It has been funny - whenever I call someone (namely, my parents) the first question is "Is the baby coming!?!". And so far the answer has been "Nope, not today!", but I'm looking forward to the time when I can say "Yep - it's time!!!". Hopefully it won't be too much longer until I get to make that phone call :)

How far along? 39 weeks
Maternity clothes? I'm loving skirts, dresses and nightgowns at the moment - no belly band and they are just a lot cooler!
Stretch marks? Ugh... I finally got a few. I just noticed them in the mirror, right underneath my belly button :(
Sleep: It's not the best, I wake up a lot and have trouble falling back asleep. Luckily I can sleep in a little more now since I don't have to get up for work.
Best moment this week? Finishing up work!
Miss anything? Wearing my wedding rings.
Movement? You're less active these days - I think you are just completely out of space!
Food cravings? Watermelon, blueberries and orange sherbet ice cream!
Anything making you queasy or sick? The heat really gets to me...
Mood? I'm feeling really impatient lately... but I know the end is near!
Labor Signs? I'm having more frequent contractions lately, but I have no idea if they are the real deal or not...
What are you looking forward to this week? Seeing the doctor tomorrow and hopefully meeting you within the next week!!!

I also have to add these few pictures of your silly big brother Leo. He got up on the couch to cuddle with your dad the other day and he made himself  right at home :) What a cutie!

I hope you don't keep us waiting for too much longer - we are SO ready to meet you baby!!

All my love, Mom

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Thirty-eight Weeks.

We're inching closer and closer to meeting you - hopefully only about two more weeks :) But you are ready to join us any time now, your lungs are fully mature and your immune system is good to go! This week you are about the size of a pumpkin - you weigh about 6.5 pounds and you're about 19-20 inches long. We are certainly ready to meet you and it's nice to know that you are ready to meet us too!

Last week was really nice - I had lots of time off work and your Grandma E. came and stayed with us for a few days. We did have a major heat wave last week though, so that made getting out of the house pretty tough but it has cooled off a little bit now - only in the high 80's instead of the low 100's!! I've been still trying to stay active, lots of walks (albeit, slow walks) and I'm still going to yoga once a week. Last week your Grandma even went with me to yoga, which was really fun :) The walking is definitely getting tougher, but I feel good when I finish and I know that walking could help get you out sooner - so I just keep going!

In other exciting news - this will be my last week at work before I start my maternity leave next week!! I had originally planned to work up to the bitter end, but I'm getting more uncomfortable by the day and I had already planned to take some additional time off after you get here, so I decided to start my leave a little early. I know that it won't be too long until you're here, so I hope the next few weeks go by quickly and I don't get too bored at home :) I guess I'll have Leo to keep me company!!

How far along? 38 weeks
Maternity clothes? I'm glad I won't be working for much longer, because I am very quickly running out of work-appropriate clothes that still fit.
Stretch marks? Knocking on wood, still none
Sleep: Getting difficult - it's hard to get comfortable and I'm also going to the bathroom a lot more often. And you move a LOT at night now, which keeps me up sometimes!
Best moment this week? Hanging out with my mom last week :)
Miss anything? Wearing normal clothes - maternity shorts are terrible!
Movement? Lots of rolling movement and hiccups - I can tell you are out of room in there! You also like to stick your back and butt out at the front of my belly which makes everything look all lopsided and weird :)
Food cravings? Nothing specific this week.
Anything making you queasy or sick? I have been feeling generally queasy for the last couple of days, but I'm not sure why.
Mood? Happy to be done working soon and super excited to meet you!
Labor Signs? Some Braxton-Hicks contractions, achy back and legs
What are you looking forward to this week? Finishing up with work and my doctor's appointment tonight.

All my love, Mom

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Thirty-seven Weeks.

It's official! You are full term this week :) That means that your lungs are developed enough that if you were born today you probably wouldn't need any help breathing and we would be able to take you home with us! This is great news - it means you can safely make your appearance at any time now! You are still just growing bigger and bigger - this week you are about the size of a watermelon, you weigh a little over 6 pounds and you are probably about 19 inches long.

I'm now going to see the doctor once a week - yesterday was my 37 week appointment and everything looks good! My blood pressure, weight, urine, iron, and platelets all look good and you are measuring right on track. Your heart rate was a healthy 153 bpm yesterday and you were moving around like crazy when the doctor was trying to determine your position. Your head is still down, but you are kind of laying horizontally now - which is ok, you definitely aren't breech or transverse, but it just means your head isn't engaged in my pelvis yet to get ready for birth. Hopefully you'll make that move soon - because I'm getting anxious to meet you!!

Today is my 'Friday' at work - tomorrow is a Holiday for the 4th of July and I'm taking vacation days on Thursday & Friday - yay!! I'm looking forward to a few relaxing days at home! Hopefully your Grandma & Grandpa E. are going to come visit us for a few days this week, and your dad and I have some other things getting done around the house. A plumber is coming to install a garbage disposal and fix our outside faucet today and then on Saturday we have someone coming to clean out the air ducts in the house. I know you aren't going to care if we have a working garbage disposal when you come home with us - but I'm still so glad to be getting it done before you arrive!

How far along? 37 weeks
Maternity clothes? I'm really loving dresses these days - I stay so much cooler in them than in pants or shorts with the full belly panel to hold them up.
Stretch marks? Nope!
Sleep: I've been getting up to go to the bathroom more than ever lately and my back and shoulders are starting to get really sore... so sleep has not been so wonderful.
Best moment this week? Reaching full-term with you and knowing that you can now come out at anytime!
Miss anything? I miss lots of things - running, a cold beer, normal sized feet, and generally just feeling healthy and mobile!
Movement? You are still definitely my little squirms :)
Food cravings? Fruit! Pineapple, watermelon, cantaloupe, strawberries!
Anything making you queasy or sick? Just the excessive heat!
Mood? Trying to stay patient, but I'm getting really ready to meet you!
Labor Signs? Some Braxton-Hicks contractions, not much else
What are you looking forward to this week? My long weekend and seeing my parents!

All my love, Mom