Monday, January 23, 2012

It's Facebook Official & Home Improvements.

As I start to type this, I'm wondering... will Facebook even exist when you are old enough to know what it is? Or will it just be something that the 'old people' talk about when we reminicse about the good old days? I guess we'll just have to wait and see! Anyway, back to the topic at hand - Facebook is a highly addictive time waster, but it is a great way to get in touch with a lot of friends and family at once. So it was the perfect place to go completely public with our news about you! I told my boss and the people I work with last Thursday, so we decided it was also time to go 'Facebook Official'. This is what I posted:
"Hope the world is ready for one more chocolate-eating, book-reading, curly-haired
Tigers fan to join us in July!!!" 

In the next day or two we got TONS of comments and congratulations and everyone was very excited for us! It made me so happy and made me realize how many wonderful people I have in my life - I've said it before, but you are one lucky kid!

We tried to get Leo's feet in the picture too but he wasn't particularly cooperative (he just wanted to roll over for a belly rub!), so I just snapped a photo of him with your socks - your proud big brother!

In other news, I talked your Dad into painting the living room yesterday :) When we moved in we tried to paint the upper half tan, but it turned out to be a kind of yucky pink color that we've hated for the past two years. I wanted to hang some pictures, but I would have had to patch some holes then paint over them with the pink color - so we decided to skip that and just repaint the whole thing in a color we actually like! So far, I like it a lot better! We are done painting, but I need to get everything put back together. Here is a pic of me and you painting!

We gave Leo a rawhide bone to keep him busy while we painted but he wasn't very happy that he couldn't find the spot where he usually goes to enjoy his treats... the rug was all covered up with furniture and plastic. So he wandered around for a while until he found his way back to his spot:

Under all the plastic, he layed there contently chewing his bone ... quite the puppy!

I also made a pretty big step today and bought your first BIG purchase - a stroller! It is the Baby Jogger City Mini in black. We won't use this until you are a little bit older, but I got it on sale and I've read a lot of good things about it - hopefully we'll both like it! I'm excited to get it in a few days :)

Some pretty exciting stuff, right!? Hope you're doing well in there :)

All my love, Mom

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