Friday, January 27, 2012

Appointment Update & Baby's First Ride.

Yesterday was a fun baby day - we had our monthly doctor appointment and we got something exciting in the mail! Your dad and I went to the doctor's office yesterday after work for our check-up and it went great! They did the usuals first- weighed me, took my blood pressure, and took a urine sample - everything looked good, I actually lost 2 pounds since my last appointment a month ago, but doctor said it was fine because my weight is still up overall. So that's a good thing! I think I had lost about 5-6 pounds when I was sick with the stomach flu earlier this month, but now I've put some of that back on - in total I think I've gained about 5 pounds since I've been pregnant, I'll take it! I'm actually surprised it's not more because I haven't been running as much and I've been eating a LOT lately, but I guess you're using up all that extra energy! Keep it up baby!

The doctor then measured my belly at 16 cm and said that was just right for the size you should be - yay! Next up was the fun part - the doppler! It only took the doctor a few seconds to find your heartbeat and then it was loud and clear. It was just so cool for your dad and I to actually hear that beautiful ba-dum-ba-dum of your little heart beating away inside me! Your heart rate is now 153 bpm, which is a little lower than before, but doctor said it was expected for the heart rate to slow as you get bigger. I could tell your dad was really excited - he kept saying all night how cool it was and he was grinning from ear to ear when he heard it (I was too!). It definitely turned a long, crummy workday into a really cool night for us!

After the doctor we headed home and made dinner - cheeseburgers on pretzel buns and curly fries and baked beans for me. I was at the grocery store on Wednesday night to pick up a couple things and I saw the beans and I had to buy a can - I wanted some right then and there, they just looked so yummy! So, of course, I bought the biggest can they had (it was seriously enough to feed a family of 8). And then last night I cooked them and your dad didn't eat a single spoonful... so now we have a ton of beans leftover ... I hope I'm still craving them for a few days here! Silly pregnancy cravings!

A little later the UPS man dropped off your stroller that I had ordered a few days ago - we were so excited to get it! We took it out of the box and set it up quickly - basically we attached the wheels and the rain canopy :) It is so cool - I think we are both going to love it. The best part is that it folds up really easily and it actually gets pretty small when it's folded so it will be easy to move around and travel with. Leo was a little unsure of what the heck was in our house, but I think he liked it too - he even wanted his picture taken with it!

So cool to think that I'll be pushing it around with you in it in no time at all!

All my love, Mom

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