Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Twenty-eight Weeks.

We made it to the third and final trimester! I can't believe we only have about 12 more weeks until we get to meet you - these last few weeks have really gone by quickly. I missed posting in  Week 27 because I was traveling for work - but this week is pretty much more of the same... This week you weigh a whopping 2.5 pounds and you are about 15 inches long from head to heel - the baby book says you're the size of a rutabaga :) Your eyes are now able to open and close and you are having REM sleep these days (no wonder you get so quiet sometimes!). Other than that you are busy packing on your baby fat and growing billions of neurons and connections in your little genius brain!

I had kind of a tough week last week - the traveling was hard on my poor swollen feet, but you travelled like a champ! You were squirming around a ton on the plane and I started to feel your kicks a lot higher up than I have before - I'm wondering if that means you are now turned around with your feet up under my ribs... In other news, I took the glucose tolerance test last week and I am crossing every body part that I passed. The test checks for signs of gestational diabetes - basically I had to chug some super-sugary orange drink, then they took my blood one hour later to make sure my body was dealing with the sugar properly. I really hope I'm good, because I can't stand getting my blood drawn! This week is also when we start having check-ups every two weeks instead of four :) I feel like my belly (and you!) is just getting bigger and bigger by the day ... but that's a good thing!

How far along? 28 weeks
Maternity clothes? Oh yes, maybe time to start buying some new tank tops too :)
Stretch marks? Nope
Sleep: Still very good! The only thing interupting me is the need to use the bathroom several times a night!
Best moment this week? Getting home from my trip - I missed your dad and my own bed SO much! And our anniversary dinner on Saturday night - delish!
Miss anything? Running is becoming tougher and tougher - I miss running without getting terrible leg cramps
Movement? Lots lately - one of my favorite things to do is watch my belly to see your big kicks! Your dad thinks its pretty cool too
Food cravings? Gummy bears, chocolate pudding
Anything making you queasy or sick? Not really
Have you started to show yet? You betcha
Mood? Happy to be home and in the final stretch of pregnancy - and so excited to meet you!
What are you looking forward to this week? Our doctor's appointment on Thursday and our first baby shower on Saturday with your Grandma P. and all of her friends!!

Happy Seven Months Baby!!!

All my love, Mom

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