Thursday, May 24, 2012

Thirty-one Weeks.

We're down to the single digits now for the number of weeks left before you are due to arrive! That is, if you do come on or before your due date of July 25 but I know there is no guarantee of that happening, so I'm trying to keep my patience! I'm becoming more and more anxious to meet you as the days go by, but I also feel like the last seven months have gone by very quickly too. This week you are probably about 16 inches long and you weigh about 3.5 pounds - which the internet tells me is about the size of a pineapple, but I'm sure you're a lot cuter! You are spending your time putting on weight and building more and more brain connections. At this point all five of your senses are working and you are just moving like crazy!

We have had a pretty busy and fun week - your dad's uncles gave us tickets to see The Addams Family musical at the theater on Tuesday night, so we went downtown and had dinner and then saw the show which was really funny. And last night we met up with Grandma and Grandpa P. and  your Aunt Jenni for dinner! Aunt Jenni is here for the weekend from Spain so we get to spend lots of time with her - and she was so excited to see you growing in my belly. I was hoping she would get to feel you squirming around, but you were pretty quiet last night - so feel free to go crazy tonight! And tomorrow afternoon, your dad and I are heading to Grandma and Grandpa E.'s house for the long holiday weekend which I am definitely looking forward to! Anyway, here we are at 31 weeks:

How far along? 31 weeks
Maternity clothes? I hit a milestone this week - my lab coat at work no longer buttons! I had to borrow a bigger one :)
Stretch marks? Not seeing any yet - knock on wood!
Sleep: Sleeping great in between the frequent potty breaks!
Best moment this week? I've had several this week - our wonderful date on Saturday, seeing the play on Tuesday, and getting to see your Aunt Jenni!
Miss anything? I really do miss running - going all out and sweating like crazy - it's been a while and  I probably won't be doing that kind of running for a while. I 'ran' yesterday, which felt good even though my legs were cramping like crazy and I was quickly out of breath.
Movement? Still moving like crazy! I'm now feeling your kicks mostly on my left side and right up in the middle, and sometimes they really hurt! You are one strong little pineapple - I don't think you know your own strength!
Food cravings? Nothing too crazy this week...
Anything making you queasy or sick? We're still on a strict 'No Pizza' diet
Mood? Very happy to be getting close to meeting you!
Labor Signs? Having some Braxton-Hicks contractions, but those are nothing new...
What are you looking forward to this week? My four day weekend, spending time with Aunt Jenni, and our trip up to Port Austin :)

I'm loving every minute baby! Hope you are too :)

All my love, Mom

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