Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Twenty-six Weeks.

We hit a pretty cool milestone this week - less than 100 days until we get to meet you!! If you arrive on time, that is :) Now that we are in the double digits for days left, it is seeming to be going by faster and faster - we'll be in the third trimester next week! Very cool :) This week you weigh very close to 2 pounds and you're about 14 inches long - about the size of a head of lettuce. Your eyes are now fully developed, even though they are still shut up tight. And the network of nerves connecting your ears and your brain is more developed than ever - which means you are now actually starting to recognize mine and your dad's voices - rather than just hearing us!!

We had a pretty normal week last week, and this is shaping up to be more of the same. I'm still doing yoga a couple of times a week and running two or three times a week - with lots of walks with Leo in between! I'm pretty confident now that I'll be able to complete the Riverbank Run 5K in three weeks - which I wasn't so sure about for a while! It should be a really great time. Next week will be a little strange because I'm leaving on Sunday for four nights in San Diego for a conference for work. I'm not really looking forward to the travel or being apart from your dad for that long - but I am excited to see the city... hopefully not for the only time! Lucky you - you get to come along this time :)

How far along? 26 weeks
Maternity clothes? Just bought some maternity shorts for my trip next week :)
Stretch marks? Luckily, none yet
Sleep: I've been sleeping really well this last week or two
Best moment this week? Getting the glider put together and getting your new dresser today
Miss anything? Not knowing what heartburn felt like - I didn't know it could hurt that much! Prilosec seems to be helping a lot though.
Movement? You've been a little quiet for the last day or two...
Food cravings? Orange juice, goldfish crackers
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nope
Have you started to show yet? Yes!
Mood? Feeling good, I've got a little bit more energy these days - which is much appreciated!
What are you looking forward to this week? Our date on Friday night and the warm weather in California.

All my love, Mom

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