Friday, May 18, 2012

Appointment Update.

Last night we had our 30 week appointment with the doctor and it went great! We started with the basics - my weight and blood pressure, which are both good - no signs of complications! The doctor then measured my belly and I am measuring right on track at 30 cm. At this point, the number of centimeters should correspond with the number of weeks pregnant I am, so we are right where we need to be! The doctor also listened to your heartbeat, which is going strong at 150 bpm.

Since I've been feeling so much movement from you lately and most of the kicks are in the same spot - on my right side, below (and sometimes in) my ribcage - I was curious what position you are in. I asked the doctor and she said that she wouldn't start really worrying about it until I'm about 36 weeks, but that she could check anyways. After a little poking around, she could quickly tell that you are head down with your bottom up underneath my ribs and feet turned to the right - just what I thought! She said you can definitely still change positions easily, but if I continue to feel the same type of movement it probably means you are in that position still. It's cool to know where you are and what I'm feeling when you start moving about!

We also started talking about what I should do and expect during labor  - which made it feel very real!! Only a couple more months to go :) I'll keep seeing the doctor every other week for a while, then in the last month I'll be going every week so we can keep a closer eye on you!

I'm looking forward to this weekend - your dad and I have our May date tomorrow morning, so we'll be hitting the Farmer's Market and hopefully Meijer Gardens if it's not too hot. Then maybe we can get some yard work done in the afternoon - or just hang around in the shade! And on Sunday morning, you and I will go to Jessica's wedding shower while dad hangs out with Dennis - then hopefully we can all get together afterwards. The weather is supposed to be wonderful - so it's shaping up to be a nice couple of days!!

Keep squirming baby - I'm loving every minute!!

All my love, Mom

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