Thursday, March 15, 2012

Boy?? Girl??

Even though your Dad and I don't want to find out if you are a boy or a girl until you're born, it is still really fun to guess and wonder which one you'll be! Plus we have our big ultrasound this afternoon, which is when most parents do find out the sex of their little one - so that's been on my mind lately. Hopefully we don't find out by accident tonight, but the doctor says that the ultrasound technician is really good at keeping it a secret.

In the meantime (until July...) we can have some fun guessing what you are!! There are lots of old wives' tales that supposedly tell you if you are having a boy or girl - so here are the results for us:

1. Heart Rate - baby's heart rate below 140 bpm means boy, above 140 means girl:
153 bpm = GIRL

2. Carrying baby low means boy, carrying high means girl:
Low = BOY

3. Craving sour & salty foods means boy, craving sweets means girl:
Sweet = GIRL

4. Chinese Gender Chart

5. Mom's age & year of conception, both odd means girl, both even means boy:
Odd = GIRL

6. No morning sickness means boy, bad morning sickness means girl:
Nope = BOY

So, to sum it up - there is a 50% chance that you're a GIRL!!! And also! There is a 50% chance that you're a BOY!!! I guess we just have to be patient and wait until July to find out for sure :) Either way - we can't wait to meet you!! See you later on today!

All my love, Mom

1 comment:

  1. There are few surprises left in the world. That is one of those moments you will always cherish, when you see that beautiful baby for the first time, boy or girl, just amazing. Enjoy this time! It is so special!! Love you guys and am enjoying your blog.
    Love- Aunt Patty
