Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Fifteen Weeks.

We're moving right along now baby! Now that you're 15 weeks you're the size of a navel orange, about 4 inches long. It is so crazy to think that ten weeks ago you were the size of an appleseed - and look at you now! It almost doesn't seem possible that you could grow so quickly, but it makes me happy to think about :) In other growth news this week - your legs are now longer than your arms ... so you are looking a little more proportional now! And even though I still can't feel you move, I know you're still being my little squirms in there!

We had a pretty normal week, working during the day and walking or yoga at night ... usually followed by a bowl of ice cream :) When we got back from our walk last night we had the fun surprise of your crib waiting for us! The fed-ex man must have dropped it off while we were gone. It is all packed up in the box, so your dad just took it down to the basement. We are going to wait a little while to make room for it in what will be your nursery - and is now the guest room. Once we move the guest bed, we'll set up the crib and start decorating! So excited!

Here we are at fifteen weeks, starting to look like a little bit of a baby bump sticking out!

How far along? 15 weeks
Maternity clothes? Rocking the stretchy waist pants
Stretch marks? Luckily, not yet
Sleep: Just about back to my normal sleep schedule, but still hitting the sack a little earlier than normal
Best moment this week? Hearing your heartbeat last Thursday and having a great doctor appointment and doing some shopping with your dad on Saturday
Miss anything? Drinking copious amounts of Diet Coke & Sprite Zero
Movement? Not yet.
Food cravings? Panera cobb salads, oreos in milk
Anything making you queasy or sick? Just when I eat more than I should at one time.
Have you started to show yet? I still pretty much feel like I look like I have a beer belly - not a baby belly - but at least I know the difference!
Mood? Happy :) :) :)
What are you looking forward to this week? I'm trying a new yoga class on Thursday, so I'm excited for that.

That's all for this week - we are kind of getting to that point of the year where life can get a little boring... the doldrums of winter. No holidays, no sunshine, too cold to be outside, nothing to do inside... makes for a long couple of months. Luckily, I have you to obsess about!

All my love, Mom

Friday, January 27, 2012

Appointment Update & Baby's First Ride.

Yesterday was a fun baby day - we had our monthly doctor appointment and we got something exciting in the mail! Your dad and I went to the doctor's office yesterday after work for our check-up and it went great! They did the usuals first- weighed me, took my blood pressure, and took a urine sample - everything looked good, I actually lost 2 pounds since my last appointment a month ago, but doctor said it was fine because my weight is still up overall. So that's a good thing! I think I had lost about 5-6 pounds when I was sick with the stomach flu earlier this month, but now I've put some of that back on - in total I think I've gained about 5 pounds since I've been pregnant, I'll take it! I'm actually surprised it's not more because I haven't been running as much and I've been eating a LOT lately, but I guess you're using up all that extra energy! Keep it up baby!

The doctor then measured my belly at 16 cm and said that was just right for the size you should be - yay! Next up was the fun part - the doppler! It only took the doctor a few seconds to find your heartbeat and then it was loud and clear. It was just so cool for your dad and I to actually hear that beautiful ba-dum-ba-dum of your little heart beating away inside me! Your heart rate is now 153 bpm, which is a little lower than before, but doctor said it was expected for the heart rate to slow as you get bigger. I could tell your dad was really excited - he kept saying all night how cool it was and he was grinning from ear to ear when he heard it (I was too!). It definitely turned a long, crummy workday into a really cool night for us!

After the doctor we headed home and made dinner - cheeseburgers on pretzel buns and curly fries and baked beans for me. I was at the grocery store on Wednesday night to pick up a couple things and I saw the beans and I had to buy a can - I wanted some right then and there, they just looked so yummy! So, of course, I bought the biggest can they had (it was seriously enough to feed a family of 8). And then last night I cooked them and your dad didn't eat a single spoonful... so now we have a ton of beans leftover ... I hope I'm still craving them for a few days here! Silly pregnancy cravings!

A little later the UPS man dropped off your stroller that I had ordered a few days ago - we were so excited to get it! We took it out of the box and set it up quickly - basically we attached the wheels and the rain canopy :) It is so cool - I think we are both going to love it. The best part is that it folds up really easily and it actually gets pretty small when it's folded so it will be easy to move around and travel with. Leo was a little unsure of what the heck was in our house, but I think he liked it too - he even wanted his picture taken with it!

So cool to think that I'll be pushing it around with you in it in no time at all!

All my love, Mom

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Fourteen Weeks.

We're now officially in the second trimester and you, baby, are the size of a lemon :) That means you are about 3.5 inches long and you now have lots of tiny hair growing. Your kidneys are functioning now too and you can suck your thumb now!

Now that the secret is totally out about you, I feel really good. It was tough to hide it for that long, and now I don't feel so bad about showing off my tiny baby bump - now that people know it's a baby, not just a beer belly! I've also really been enjoying my yoga class - it's nice to get together with other pregnant women and I feel really good when I leave - hope you are enjoying it too!

My belly is definitely protruding now - I can't suck it in at all anymore - so it's been pretty cool to watch you and it grow! It may not be that noticable to the outside world, but I definitely notice!

How far along? 14 weeks
Maternity clothes? Still enjoying the maternity pants!
Stretch marks? None yet.
Sleep: Still pretty tired, and it is getting just a little tougher to get comfortable lately. Putting pressure on my stomach is really uncomfortable now.
Best moment this week? Making our first big baby purchases! The stroller on Monday and your crib on Wednesday!
Miss anything? I miss not feeling like I need to eat something every second of the day! I have been SO hungry for the last week or so.
Movement? Nothing yet :( Hopefully soon!
Food cravings? Oreos dunked in milk, vanilla ice cream with hot fudge, yogurt with granola, baked beans!
Anything making you queasy or sick? I can't eat as big of meals lately, I have to eat lots of snacks throughout the day to keep from feeling over-full.
Have you started to show yet? Just a tiny bump sticking out under my shirts, but I don't think you'd know I'm pregnant just by looking at me --- I think.
Mood? Happy and peaceful.
What are you looking forward to this week? I have a doctor's appointment tonight, so hopefully we'll get to hear your heartbeat for the first time - I think that will be awesome!

Like I mentioned above, we decided on a crib for you and I found it on sale online yesterday - so we ordered it! I can't wait to get it and get it set up :) So excited!! We picked the Baby Cache Essential Sleigh Crib in Espresso finish - hope you love it too!!

I think that's about it for this week! Lots of fun stuff :)

All my love, Mom

Monday, January 23, 2012

It's Facebook Official & Home Improvements.

As I start to type this, I'm wondering... will Facebook even exist when you are old enough to know what it is? Or will it just be something that the 'old people' talk about when we reminicse about the good old days? I guess we'll just have to wait and see! Anyway, back to the topic at hand - Facebook is a highly addictive time waster, but it is a great way to get in touch with a lot of friends and family at once. So it was the perfect place to go completely public with our news about you! I told my boss and the people I work with last Thursday, so we decided it was also time to go 'Facebook Official'. This is what I posted:
"Hope the world is ready for one more chocolate-eating, book-reading, curly-haired
Tigers fan to join us in July!!!" 

In the next day or two we got TONS of comments and congratulations and everyone was very excited for us! It made me so happy and made me realize how many wonderful people I have in my life - I've said it before, but you are one lucky kid!

We tried to get Leo's feet in the picture too but he wasn't particularly cooperative (he just wanted to roll over for a belly rub!), so I just snapped a photo of him with your socks - your proud big brother!

In other news, I talked your Dad into painting the living room yesterday :) When we moved in we tried to paint the upper half tan, but it turned out to be a kind of yucky pink color that we've hated for the past two years. I wanted to hang some pictures, but I would have had to patch some holes then paint over them with the pink color - so we decided to skip that and just repaint the whole thing in a color we actually like! So far, I like it a lot better! We are done painting, but I need to get everything put back together. Here is a pic of me and you painting!

We gave Leo a rawhide bone to keep him busy while we painted but he wasn't very happy that he couldn't find the spot where he usually goes to enjoy his treats... the rug was all covered up with furniture and plastic. So he wandered around for a while until he found his way back to his spot:

Under all the plastic, he layed there contently chewing his bone ... quite the puppy!

I also made a pretty big step today and bought your first BIG purchase - a stroller! It is the Baby Jogger City Mini in black. We won't use this until you are a little bit older, but I got it on sale and I've read a lot of good things about it - hopefully we'll both like it! I'm excited to get it in a few days :)

Some pretty exciting stuff, right!? Hope you're doing well in there :)

All my love, Mom

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Thirteen Weeks.

Hey my little Peach! You are now thirteen weeks along and you're growing like crazy - therefore your momma is growing like crazy too! You are now the size of a peach - about three inches long - and as of this week you now have fingerprints :) So cool.

We had a pretty normal week, and then this past weekend, your Grandma & Grandpa E. came to visit us! On Saturday we all went shopping and I finally broke down and bought some maternity pants to wear to work - and I'm feeling so much more comfortable! We also went to the baby store and looked at cribs and rocking chairs :) Your grandparents generously offered to buy those things for us so it was really fun to look! I think we have the crib picked out, but we are holding off on actually buying it. And looking for the rocker/glider is tough, because I know it needs to be very comfortable - I think you and I will be spending lots of time there! It's so exciting to be looking for this stuff - I'm trying to be patient, but I just want you to have all the best stuff!

Tonight is my very first prenatal yoga class at the YMCA and I'm really looking forward to it! My doctor said that yoga is a great exercise to help with labor, so hopefully it will make things go really smoothly for you and I! I'm hoping that I like it, then I can take another class here at work on Thursdays.

I feel like my belly is really starting to pop out this week - which is kind of tough for me because I've always been self-concious of the way my stomach looks, so I just have to keep reminding myself that I've got to make room for you in there - and the only place for everything else to go is OUT! I thought it would be fun to compare the pictures from when I was 5 weeks vs. now at 13 weeks - quite the change I would say!

5 Weeks.

13 Weeks.

How far along? 13 weeks
Maternity clothes? Definitely needing the maternity pants now - shirts still fit fine.
Stretch marks? None yet.
Sleep: Still sleeping very well, and I feel like I have a little more energy now.
Best moment this week? Shopping for cribs with my Mom.
Miss anything? Staying awake past 9 pm!
Movement? Some tiny flutters - not sure if that is you or not!
Food cravings?Chocolate! So I guess I'm back to my normal self :)
Anything making you queasy or sick? The massive breakfast I ate on Sunday morning - a little too heavy on the butter I think.
Have you started to show yet? Only in certain clothes (tight ones) - still trying to hide it at work for a couple more days.
Mood? Excited!
What are you looking forward to this week? Pre-natal yoga class tonight and finally telling my boss that I'm pregnant, then I'll go public on facebook and everyone will know about you!

Hope you are staying warm in there - it's been pretty cold lately!!
All my love, Mom

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Twelve Weeks.

Wow, I can't believe you are already 12 weeks along! It wasn't that long ago when I felt like I would never reach this point. Some consider the 12 week mark the beginning of the second trimester, but most say that's not until 14 weeks. Either way - I'm happy!

You are now the size of a cute little plum and according to my baby book, you now have reflexes! So I'd imagine you're squirming around in there everytime I cough or Leo plops his head on my belly ... sorry bout that! I'm starting to really feel like I'm pregnant, I feel better than in weeks past - but it now actually feels like reality that I'll have an actual baby in my arms in just a few months. I think it has a lot to do with the fact that we have slowly been going public with our news - so the more people who know, the more it feels like reality. I'm also starting to notice more of a baby bump, not just bloated/gassy belly - and I know in just a few weeks I'll be able to feel you squirming - crazy!

How far along? 12 weeks
Maternity clothes? Not quite, but I did spend the entire day at work yesterday with my pants unbottoned. So probably soon!
Stretch marks? Trying my best to keep them at bay, slathering lotion all over my belly!Sleep: Sleeping better and I find I'm not quite as exhausted as before
Best moment this week? Telling our friends about you - and especially Dennis' reaction, he was priceless :)
Miss anything? I miss being able to wear all of the clothes in my closet, without worrying that I look pregnant (at work) or worse - just plain fat!
Movement? Not that I can feel
Food cravings? Ice cream this week... and I really wish I could have enjoyed that rare steak last night
Anything making you queasy or sick? The pesto sauce from last night's dinner
Have you started to show yet? Just a bit, but it still kind of looks like I'm just getting a little pudgy around the middle
Mood? Peaceful & happy
What are you looking forward to this week? Borrowing some maternity clothes from Amanda, and hopefully having my mom & dad in town this weekend. Oh! And I'm really excited to get my haircut on Thursday - it's been a while since I've been pampered at the salon!

So it's back to the daily grind at work after the holidays... but the days aren't so bad - I can daydream about you! Your name, what you'll look like, how I can decorate your room, all the good stuff!!

All my love, Mom

Happy Birthday Dad!

Yesterday was your dear old dad's 27th birthday - and next year you'll be here to celebrate with us! On Saturday he went to the casino with a bunch of his buddies and he actually won some money - pretty rare for him! Then we went out to watch the Lion's playoff game downtown and hang out with some friends - and we also told Brandon, Amanda, Tim, Becky, Brian, Jessica, and Dennis about you that night :) They were all excited, but all of the girls told me they kind of suspected that I was pregnant ... guess I'm not that great at hiding it, oh well... Both Becky and Amanda offered to let me borrow some maternity clothes, which is great!

Last night I made Dad beef tenderloin with red wine sauce, red skin mashed potatoes, and green beans with pesto. I didn't realize until after everything was done that I couldn't eat the steak rare and it tasted nasty when it was well done :(. And the pesto sauce wasn't tasting great to me either... so I kind of struck out. But Dad enjoyed his meal along with his Guinness and then we had cake & ice cream - yummy!

Then Dad opened his presents, a new Detroit Tigers hat, a fleece pullover, and a gift card to Dick's so that he can buy a new baseball glove.

It was a pretty good evening and I think your Dad had a pretty happy birthday!

All my love, Mom

Friday, January 6, 2012

Eleven Weeks.

Happy Birth-year Baby! 2012 is going to be great! We brought the new year in in style with your Uncles and cousins and we told Kim, Mike and Amanda about you. They were very surprised and happy and it was such a relief to not have to hide it for the whole weekend! Your Uncle Brian and Trina also got some very cute clothes for you, so those are now hanging in your closet :)

Unfortunately, right after NYE, Dad and I both got incredibly sick with the stomach flu - so we both spent a few days laying on the couch - yuck! But, we're feeling a lot better now just in time for your Dad's 27th Birthday on Monday! We are celebrating this weekend with our friends and we'll tell them about you then - word should travel fast after that! It will be really nice to not have to hide it anymore, but I also sort of liked having you as just 'ours' for a while. It will be very nice to celebrate with everyone though!!

Besides the flu, I've still been feeling really good - getting more excited by the day. And you are also growing leaps and bounds each day! You should now be about the size of a key lime - almost 2 inches long!! That may seem small, but to think you were the size of an appleseed just six weeks ago, I know you are growing up quickly! My belly is definitely harder and a little rounder where you are, and it's getting harder to suck in my tummy - it's fun to see it change week to week. Since I was really sick on Monday, here are the pictures from 11w3d (yesterday):

How far along? 11 weeks 3 days
Maternity clothes? Nope
Stretch marks? Still avoiding them
Sleep: I'm still exhausted, but not sleeping the greatest lately
Best moment this week? Telling Mike, Kim & Amanda about you and being able to celebrate NYE with them.
Miss anything? I would have liked to take part in the toast at midnight on NYE.
Movement? Only the imagined kind
Food cravings? Chocolate - so I guess I'm back to normal!
Anything making you queasy or sick? The flu bug!
Have you started to show yet? Only to myself, I can still hide it in clothes
Mood? So excited!
What are you looking forward to this week? Celebrating your Dad's birthday with him :)

Talk to you later my little lime!
All my love, Mom